
This one may not be colorful, but it has a cute face. It has a creamy white color and a soft texture. It is a classic webkinz. I have one, maybe two of them. - MusicGirl

I have one her name is Lucille - Ihateschool

7Signature Arctic Fox

Not only does this Webkinz fox have a sweet, white color, but it also has a cute face. It is a signature webkinz, so it looks very realistic. - MusicGirl

I have a webkinz signature Arctic Fox

Beautiful Signature with a well made face and body, sporting a luxurious tail and slightly off white fur.
Maybe someday I will find one at a reasonable price and be able to get it.

8Winter Fawn

The light blue color of this animal is soothing. The metallic silver hooves of this animal combine with the blue coloring and create a winter effect. - MusicGirl

I've had one of these since I was 8, and it's still one of my favorites in my collection!9Tree Frog

This frog is a bright, green color with orange feet and underside. The large eyes add to the beauty and cuteness of this animal. It reminds me of the rainforest. I have this animal. - MusicGirl

This frog just has some nice colors to it10Blossom Sea Turtle

This one is a nice lavender color with white and red flowers on it's back. It reminds me of Hawaii. - MusicGirl

The Contenders

12Signature Husky
13Springer Spaniel

It's very cute and realistic. The fur is soft and curly in some parts with long floppy wavy ears. It also has cute, different sized brown spots on its muzzle down to its paws. To me, this is the webkinz I've wanted since I was little and want as my 100th webkinz

15Yellow Lab
16Cavalier King Charles SpanielThe Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a small spaniel classed as a toy dog by The Kennel Club and the American Kennel Club.
18FrooFroo Fox
20LeopardThe leopard is one of the five 'big cats' in the genus Panthera. It is one of the most adaptable and the most widespread big cat; it's secrets being:well camouflaged fur; its opportunistic hunting behaviour, broad diet, and strength to move heavy carcasses into trees; its ability to adapt to various ...read more.
22Spook Pup

The Webkinz pug is a wrinkly bundle of cuteness! They love hugs, as in their song, 'Hug a Pug'. If you don't have one, get one today! This is my absolute favorite Webkinz pet!

25Bubblegum Cheeky Dog
27Pink Pony
29Spotted Spaniel
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